Precision Bridge Release 4.5

We are pleased to announce the 4.5 release of Precision Bridge which includes the following enhancements:

Screenshot 2019-11-20 at 16.55.35.png

a) Major improvements to RSA Archer -> ServiceNow migration support including: i) new virtual table to enable one-many record mapping for generation of control objective - citation record relationships, ii) support for migration of RSA Archer sub-forms required for migrating Findings and other tables, iii) new mappings to support the migration of Questionnaires, Assessments, Findings and Tasks, iv) support for migration of Authoritative Sources to ServiceNow policy records.

b) Enhancements to Reporting to allow selection of source and target fields to be included in the reporting output for each form mapping;

c) New Import/Copy Form Mappings option allows selection of one or more mappings from another project to be imported into current project either to supplement or replace existing mappings. Can also import from the current project to effectively copy one or more mappings.

d) Improvement to migration of Knowledge Articles between ServiceNow instances where the article contains html with embedded images. These images are now migrated correctly using an extension to the ID Replacement Field Mapping definition.

To download the latest Precision Bridge release, please navigate to our downloads page here

To download the Archer Migrator application from the ServiceNow store follow this link.

For more information on Precision Bridge email