August 2019: Global leader in aerospace industry completes migration project using Precision Bridge

Earlier this year, a global leader in the aerospace industry selected Precision Bridge to address their requirement to migrate ITSM and ITBM application data from a customised on-premise ServiceNow instance and merge it into an existing cloud instance.

We are pleased to report the the project was completed successfully on time in less than 2 months. Without Precision Bridge, the project was expected to take several months longer and there were some significant technical challenges that could not easily have been addressed without the tool.


In particular, the migration of attachments, preservation of sys-id values across platforms, migration of journal entries and migration of contextual workflow. Each of these would have required time-consuming specialist development and scripting work without the Precision Bridge tool.


Following the news of project completion, Mark Herring, Co-founder of Precision Bridge commented: “We are delighted that Precision Bridge has successfully addressed the migration requirements for this global customer. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and provides yet another endorsement of the value that Precision Bridge can bring to the table in addressing cross-instance data migration requirements”.

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